Friday, January 15, 2010

Barefoot running?!?

So about a week ago I read an article on barefoot running that I found as a link on facebook. Interesting stuff, considering that I'm currently reading Born to Run which is about the Tarahumara tribe in Mexico. They run ultra and by ultra I mean hundreds of miles at a time. They do this without all of our fancy shoes and have no injuries that seem to plague most runners. Add this one to your winter reading list.

If anyone is interested in the article here is the link

Anyhow, barefoot running was on my mind. Here I am running in mountains above Reno on a 12 mile trail loop when out in the middle of nowhere I come across this. Okay, so it rained a lot, and for Reno this means anything more than 5 minutes of rain. The mud is shoe sucking deep in places, so I think maybe someone's shoe got sucked off.

There are more footprints and they go in both directions. I tracked the footprints for a while and it looks like the crazy shoeless runner went at least 6 miles in temps that have barely broken 40 F in weeks. 

Maybe the barefoot runner is onto something. Reno isn't meant to get rain. The dirt turns into this sticky glue like substance that sticks to the bottom of your shoes and adds 6" of height to my legs. I run a few strides trying to land on rocks and then stop and have to scrape it off my shoes. Another couple hundred meters and repeat again. and again. But the dogs love it and half my reason for going out instead of hiding on the treadmill is for them. So we will continue our hunt for the barefoot runner in the hills above Reno. Are you out there? She/he is probably wondering who is crazier.

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