Sunday, December 26, 2010

Winter Fun

Reno isn't a whole lot of fun during or immediately after storms. The dirt in the mountains around town isn't used to a whole lot (or any) precipitation, so when storms hit our dirt turns into sticky mud. The kind that builds like stilts on the bottom of your shoes or turns your mountain bike tires into sausages. The only way to avoid it is to get up really early with the hopes that the mud is frozen. With this strategy you just have to make sure your run isn't too long and everything melts on the return trip.

The only way to stay sane or keep the dogs sane is to escape 30 minutes up the hill to the snow. We've gone skiing a couple times this week. Mostly just the tromp around and play variety skiing. I packed up my skate skis with the good intention of getting out there, but it's a bit intimidating. It's something I picked up last year, and I never get up there enough to get to be any good at it.

There isn't a ton of snow in the mountains yet, but there was enough to get out and play. Kona and Bliksem ran flat out for 2 hours and then slept for the next 24.

At Prosser Lake near Truckee


At Mt. Rose Meadows above Lake Tahoe.

Lake Tahoe

The view were impressive and it's such a new perspective after running on this trail in the summer. Amazingly every time I think about leaving Reno I have a day like this and reevaluate. This is 30 minutes from home. It doesn't get much better than this.

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