Saturday, February 19, 2011

It's all about the dog

It's been a busy couple weeks for me. The new job started and it's great to be back working.... and getting a paycheck! I moved out of the van and into a place of my very own. My mom packed up and is moving all the way to Greenville, SC. Plus the biggest storm of the year hit the Sierras meaning lots of rain on the California side and lots of snow on the Nevada side.

Keeping me sane through the whole process has been Bliksem. She needs to get outside to play at least twice a day so it keeps me moving. Anyone that has had a dog knows how motivating they can be to keep you going. They are so genuinely excited to just be outside running that it is hard not to be motivated around them. With just me at the house it's a bit tricky to get her all the exercise she needs as it often means walks at 5am before work and again at 8pm after work. We're getting it done though and it's a great way to wind down after a busy day at work.

Nighttime walk at nearly 9pm. With the recent snowfall it's still really light outside.

Today's run was slow..... really slow because we were breaking trail in knee deep snow part of the way, but it was a lot of fun!

Crazy dog loves playing in the snow....

In my boots and knee length jacket I'm not nearly as agile as the little rocket dog.

Another good day playing in the park.

Shortly life will settle down back into a rhythm, but for now I'm just getting the basics done. Walk the dog, eat, sleep, work, and train.

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